Thursday, May 10, 2007

Amundsen (under construction)

"Amundsen found it under the ice" - This is what the text on the document tells us. So who is Amundsen, and what did he really find?

The Story

Roald Amundsen was a Norwegian explorer who led the first successful expedition to the South Pole in 1911 - 1912. He disappeared in June 1918 while taking part in a rescue mission.

Amundsens team bestew of 8 explorers:

Olav Bjaaland
Hjalmar Johansen
Helmer Hanssen
Sverre Hassel
Henrik Lindstrøm
Kristian Prestrud
Jørgen Stubberud
Oscar Wisting

The Eights, or the number eight was mentioned in the note. Are they "The eights" spoken of?

Amundsen reached the the south pole the 14th of december 1911, beating his concurrent Robert Falcon Scott with about a month. Scott later died on his journey back from the South Pole.

Amundsen also traveled to the North pole on an airship,"Airship Norway", and made it there in 1926, thus becoming the first man to travel both poles.

After the North pole expedition Amundsen and Italian aeronautical engineer Umberto Nobile who was with him on the expedition fought over who earned all the glory, and the year after Nobile arranged his own expedition on the air ship "Italia". "Italia" crashed before reaching the pole, which started the first ever international polar search and rescue mission, and on short notice, Amundsen joined in on June 18, 1928.

It is belived that Amundsens plane was forced down due to bad weather and crashed somewhere near "Bjørnøya", south of Svalbard. Sometime later parts from the plane drifted to shore, the gas tank (and maybe other parts) showing evidence of someone trying to repair it or tampering.

There is little knowledge of what happened that day.

The question

What did Amundsen really find under the ice?

There is a passage from a memorial speech which could be relevant:

"And so when his work was completed , he returned to the icy shores, where his lifes achivement lies. He found an unknown grave under the the iceworlds clean sky"

Is the answer His own grave? Or death?
We don't know yet.

Other theories include Pandoras box, Leviathan , Atlantis and The Great Old Ones At the Mountains of Madness

A lot of the info regarding Amundsen comes from Phobos, who also added this:

"Roald Amundsen and his death "updated"

it says that the story surrounding Amundsens death might have to be rewritten because of new info. A woman states that she saw The plane Latham dissapear in the sea outside Tromsø, "not Bjørnøya".

Theories on what Amundsen found under the ice include:

  • a Pandora’s Box
  • Atlantis
  • Eden
  • The ark of the covenant
  • Agartha (one rumored entrance is under each pole)
Added info on Amundsen by Osicat :

Amundsen-expedition made camp, on their return trip from the Southpole, on January 1st to a place called Devil's glazier,
apparently to wait out the bad weather. They made a camp in a
crevasse, and did not break camp until January 2nd 7pm. Till then,
there is no mention what they did. They also had strayed from their
planned course. They also mention unusual wheather patterns happening on that day.

The party consisted 5 members: Olav Bjaaland (photographer), Helmer Hanssen, Sverre
Hassel, Oscar Wisting and Roald Amundsen.

The diary of the crew can be read from:


Anonymous said...

In the norwegian edition of wikipedia it is clear that the memorial speech refers to that he found his grave, on a unmarked spot. Btw speech was by Nansen another norwegian explorer. Also 8 could mean that first try that failed, which started the 8. septemper 1911. Hard to say since the succesfull try was with 5 men total. Other suggestions : passage , water , the magnetic pole.

Anonymous said...

just a note; the wiki on amundsen says he actually disappeared 1928, not 1918... might be only a typo, but could lead people in the wrong directions... :)

Anonymous said...

this Agartha thingy seems to fit in quite well to the whole story of things.

The poles having gates, but also a recent post about "Caves under Mato Grosso" in brazil. Check out and see what you think.

Also mentions of tibet and king solomon's mines

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Африке угрожает эпидемия обезьяньей оспы [/url]
Помогите сыскать название клипа. Песня о любви, медленная , лирическая. Парень (он исполнитель песни) сопровождающий девушку едущей на лошади вдоль берега моря, вроде на протяжении всего клипа. Очень привлекательный и повторяющийся припев. Клип снят лет 10 назад, может более. Английский не знаю, в припеве слова о любви повторяются пару раз. Хочу переслать по инету клип дочке подруги га 16-летие. Романтическая, великолепная песня

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Хочу выиграть в лотерею. [/url]
Искала на форуме похожую тему и не нашла. Есть только тема тем, кому рожать в январе. А остальные с чуть меньшим сроком вроде как за бортом остаются. Не порядок)) Давайте в этой теме делиться своими впечатлениямии об этом великолепном периоде нашей жизни, поддерживать друг друга и просто общаться!

Anonymous said...

Как говорилось на Месяц назад я приняла предложение о работе на позицию рук-ль отдела (без какого-либо управленческого опыта). Сама довольно мягкая по натуре и для меня очень сложно поднять голос, тем больше без повода. Сейчас ощущаю, что подчиненные начинают садиться на шею и грубить. Хочу провести с ними разъяснительную беседу. НО мой новый руководитель (женщина) буквально каждый день, когда раздает задания, раздает их напрямую им и буквально всецело меня игнорирует. С такими воздействиями с ее стороны я вообще не могу позиционировать себя перед ними, как их рук-ль.
Как вы думаете, могу ли я напрямик ей заявить про то, что это меня не устраивает? В каком виде это лучше преподнести?
Мне очень хочется стать неплохим руководителем, адекватным, справедливым, но и строгим, когда нужно...

Anonymous said...

Спасибо понравилось !

Anonymous said...

Спасибо понравилось !

Anonymous said...

ух ты, Браво, вас посетила просто блестящая мысль

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